Hand Crochet Samples

Hi Ladies,

First attempt at adding to this blog.

I dug out those Fine Crochet items I was talking about. These were produced by my Uncles' Father in Law,when he got home from work (in the mines I think but I will confirm in April). I think they probably date from the 1920s. Not sure where the yarn is from but it's cotton and obviously good quality... so maybe from the Coat's Thread Mills in Paisley....(strong argument there for using good quality eh!!)

I'm thinking of maybe running these through photoshop to develop as textured background(s) and printing onto Art quality Archival Paper with overlaid Calligraphy around some of the 'Words' we choose re Migration. 

Anne Marie, do you think it would be possible to print onto paper we make ??

These pieces bring up words leaning to Connectedness rather than separation for me. 

Shared skills among migrant groups... just about every culture has some sort of weaving/embroidery/textile work as a way of producing totally functional items of great beauty..

Immediately drawn to some of the textiles and embroidery I got in the Middle East and how I could instantly relate to the women who produced it. 

Also draws me to the old Paisley Pattern Shawls and how working in the Mills was what drew many many families to Paisley in the 19th C...that Industrial Revolution migration from the Highlands.

Thoughts ??



  1. These are sensational Maureen. As part of my earlier research I looked at the Calton Weavers (they go back to the 1700’s in Glasgow and that is where all of my family is from) who, incidentally, at some point in time where mainly men. I will re look and find some more information. We can discuss how you might process these works for printing at our next meeting-looking like the 24th now(just waiting on a few to confirm). Amanda knows a lot about print making - I have successfully embossed knitted work - but you would need to stiffen the lace and I don’t think you would want to do that. But I think printing on hand made paper might work.

  2. Yes, was actually off sick yesterday, but after a LONG sleep brain went into overdrive.

    I'm free both Sundays so whatever suits you guys is fine by me.

    Might do a bit of the prep in Photoshop and see how it looks just on normal paper!

    Was thinking for some of 'Our' paper I might try and get some spiderwebs, and maybe moth or butterfly or dragonfly wings. Loads of those around here(which is quite definitely 'My Place' now), and they always bring up thoughts of Embroidery and Lace and Faeries and other Fey stuff from olde Scotland (Outlander aside.. which I will probably go to my grave WITHOUT watching!!), I'm thinking more about Robert the Bruce and his Spider etc, how that Persistence (Now THERE's a word to add eh!) is such a Scottish thing which would be also in every other culture and DEF in migrants of all backgrounds and hues..

  3. Dragonflies are ancient and everywhere..

  4. I have a tablecloth ( a wedding present ) 40 yrs old that is exactly the same pattern as photo 8. Also excellent quality cotton. 😊


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